Sunday, June 6, 2010

Wrist Strengthening Exercises

Warm-up Exercise
Before moving onto the wrist strengthening exercises, here's a warm up exercise which will make your wrists flexible and strong. It simply involves rotating your hand from the wrist, 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the opposite direction. It is a good warm up exercise to avoid injury, before you begin the comparatively more strenuous wrist strengthening exercises.

Hand Gripper Exercise
A hand gripper strengthens the wrist and hand muscles. Hold the hand gripper in one hand. Now, use your hand and finger strength to make the handles of the hand gripper meet. Repeat this exercise ten times initially.

Chinese Hand Balls Exercise
Chinese handballs made up of glass, marble, bronze and steel , are available in varied sizes. Choose the size that you can hold easily. Keeping your forearm parallel to the ground, hold two balls in one hand. With your fingers, rotate the two balls on your palm. Move the balls both clockwise and anti clockwise. Continue with this exercise for two minutes, then change the hand. You may increase the time of exercise to five minutes after a few days. You can do this work while sitting in office. It is one of those wrist strengthening exercises which has many other benefits too, such as, it can provide relief to people suffering from arthritis or rheumatism in wrist joints. It strengthens the hand and the forearm as well.

Wind/Unwind Exercise
This exercise can be easily performed at home and without any exercise equipment. Simply tie an object with minimum 2 kg weight, such as, a two liter water bottle to one end of a long rope. Take the other end of the rope and tie it in the middle of a steel pipe. Now hold the steel pipe from near its ends and try to wind up the rope, by twisting your wrist and hands. When the rope is fully winded, unwind it by using the same procedure. Repeat three times.

Dumbbell Exercise
Dumbbell exercises are very beneficial for the body. Take one dumbbell of moderate weight. If you are a beginner, use a light-weight dumbbell. Rest your forearms on a table or bench. Hold the dumbbells in both the hands, with the palms facing the floor. Now lift the dumbbell by using only your wrists. Remember not to overstretch. Now bring the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise at least ten times. This exercise is known as wrist curls and is done to strengthen the wrist muscles and the upper side of the forearm. The same exercise can be done by making the palms facing upwards instead of the floor. These are known as the reverse curls and they help in strengthening the lower part of the forearm along with the wrist. Ideally, wrist strengthening exercises such as wrist curls and reverse curls, should be done twenty times, i.e. two sets of ten repetitions each.

These are some of the wrist strengthening exercises, which will not only strengthen wrists but also the fingers, hands and the forearms. Including these exercises in your exercise programs will ensure that next time, you won't have a problem carrying weights or opening a stubborn lid of a jar.

Hand and Finger Exercises

The muscles in your hands and fingers are small and tire quickly.

The only problem is that when you first exercise your fingers, they may become sore the next day. This is a perfectly natural response to exercise and it is best to wait until they have returned to a normal feeling before exercising them again.

1. Coin magic can be an excellent way to exercise your fingers and keep things exciting. One of the ways I like to exercise them is with a quarter on the back of my fingers. First you will put it on your thumb, and only using that same hand, you will put the quarter up on the back of your index finger and flip it to the next finger and so on. Once you become good at it without the quarter falling on the floor, you can try speeding things up.

2. Fingertip push-ups are great for building strength. As it may seem quite easy, do not exert yourself too much. If you do too much too fast you can do damage to your hand. If you are unsure of how much is too much, try doing adding an extra 5 fingertip push-ups a day and slow down on adding more when it becomes difficult to do them.

3. In order to give a good massage you should be able to adjust the sensitivity of your pushes and squeezes. A good exercise to perform is grape squeezing. Your goal is to squeeze the grapes more and more without breaking them.

Exercising your hands only takes a few minutes a day. The rewards and satisfaction you will bring is well worth it. So go ahead and get exercising your massage hands now.

Hand grips exercise

Grip strength is studied as the strength applied by the forearm to hold onto or suspend an object, including the human body in question itself. The show of grip strength is most visible in the use of a hammer and other tools operated by hand. In order to determine the exact grip strength, it is important that the wrist should be in a neutral position. Lack of awareness towards the correct positioning of the wrist can lead to the onset of CTD or Cumulative Trauma Disorder. Grip strength is vital for rock climbers and the martial arts. Other than sport, it is a major feature in various professions where people have to work out of this power.

What are the different types of grips?

The hand is an amazing part of the human anatomy. It empowers the body to be able to grip and lift objects in a number of ways. The different ways are categorized according to the manner in which the grip strength via the hand is being used. In the crush grip, a typical hand shake like grip is involved. In this type of grip strength, the object being gripped rests against the palm and the fingers, firmly. The conformity leads to a strong crush grip that is most flaunted in veru firm, bone-crushing handshakes and while applying the palm-finger pressure to break objects.

In the case of a pinch grip, the thumb balances one side to the object in question against the pressure of all the fingers on the opposite side. Usually, in this type of grip strength, the object is lifted without it touching the palm. In the support grip, a lot of muscular strength and endurance is required. This grip is most observed while holding the handle of a bucket, for an extended period of time.

How do you calculate grip strength?

Research and dedicated study has led to extensive medical and ergonomic discovery to calculate grip strength. Clinically, the calculation is done on the basis of the generated normative data. This includes the assessment of the average values determined and exhibited by men and women. The averages differ in the case of the different types of grip and in different positions. However.
What role does grip strength play in medicine?

Grip strength is often tested and applied within the paradigms of medicine, to diagnose diseases and to effectively evaluate and compare various treatment options. Grip strength also helps to document progression of muscle strength during the rehabilitation process to establish the level of hand function accomplished. Post surgery, during physiotherapy, it helps to assess fatigue, by creating an exercise where the subject is required to maintain a maximum contraction for a set period of time. The different types of grips involve the coordination of different joints and muscle groups.

Exercises for hand

Flabby arms do not look nice and people are always in search of exercises, which will help them to get toned arms. There are various factors that play an important role when it comes to toning arms. Hand weight exercises are a part of resistance training. Thus, when you perform arm exercises with hand weights, you are toning your arms and also increasing your metabolism. Though cardiovascular exercises help a lot to lose weight, but you can also go for a combination of cardiovascular and hand weight exercises. Arm exercises with hand weights while walking, make a combination of cardiovascular exercise and hand weight exercises.

Dumbbells and barbells are two types of hand weights that can be used while performing arm exercises. Read more on dumbbell exercises. While performing the arm exercises, one should see that all the muscle groups of arm are worked upon. Biceps, triceps, deltoids, brachialis and forearms and forearm are important muscle groups, that should be considered while doing arm exercises.

Triceps Kickbacks
This is one of the toning arm exercises with hand weight, that works on triceps. Given below are steps to perform this exercise.
  • Stand straight with some distance between your feet and hold dumbbells in both hands.
  • Now bend down through your hips to make your trunk parallel to the floor.
  • Align the upper arm with your body.
  • Slowly straighten your arms completely through your elbows.
  • Hold your arms in this position for few seconds and repeat the steps.

Hand Strengthening Exercises

We perform numerous activities in a single day with the help of our hands, right from eating our food, lifting objects, working on the computer and many more activities. We cannot call these activities as exercises! Hand strengthening exercises are usually recommended for people who need to recover from a surgery or stroke. Not just for such patients, but hand strengthening exercises are also important for people who perform activities that bring continuous strain on their hands like playing guitar or sports like wrestling.

Strengthening of the hands is not meant for people who fall in above categories, they are important for all of us. Even small children require hand strengthening exercises to improve their motor skills. Given below is the list of advantages of hand strengthening exercises.
  • Improve mobility of the wrist
  • Increase range of motion and dexterity
  • Promotes coordination and balance
  • Help to prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Prevent damage to the arms
  • Aid in recovery
Given below are some of the useful hand strengthening exercises.

Hand Strengthening Exercises for Children

It is necessary that every child learns proper coordination of hand muscles and develop good motor skills. Hand strengthening exercises will ensure proper development of the child. If the child develops fine motor skills, various activities that involve use of hands like, using scissors, tying laces, holding the pencil properly, using locks and keys and many more. Moreover, hand strengthening
exercises are solution to bad handwriting problem. These hand strengthening exercises are fun and your child will surely enjoy while doing them.

Pick the Marbles
You will require handful of marbles or pebbles for this exercise. You can use colorful marbles to make the exercise more interesting to the child. Ask the child to pick up a marble with the help of thumb and a forefinger of one hand. Then the child has to hold the marble in the palm of the same hand. Ask the child to pick up next marble with the previous marble still in hand. Similarly continue picking the marble, until no more marbles can be placed in the palm. Do this exercise for both the hands.

Touch the Tips

This is a very simple hand strengthening exercises where the child has to touch the fingertips. Start with touching the fingertip of thumb with the forefinger, then the middle finger and the thumb, then the ring finger and the thumb and finally the thumb and the little finger. Then repeat in reverse order.

Some more hand strengthening exercises for children can be, balancing tennis ball on the racket, placing small rings in the thumb and removing one by one with help of other fingers and many more. These exercises should be performed at least 4 times in a week.

Hand exercise grip

Arm Exercises Without Weights
It is not always possible to visit a gym to workout due to the limitations or constraints like time shortage, unavailability of space, and in some cases money. Moreover, one may not go the gym on a regular basis. The good arm exercises without weights mentioned below would help strengthening, as well as shaping, the muscles of the arms. Some of the movements involved in the body weight exercises are pull, push, step, and squat. Among these four exercises, the push and pull are for the arms.
Push Up: Push ups are easy to do and one can make them more challenging by taking a pause while at the bottom position, or by raising the legs and placing them on to a bench or box. Along with the triceps, push up exercises target the chest and shoulder muscles. Read more on bicep and tricep exercises.

Pull Up: Pull ups are performed by lifting the body upwards by means of the arms. Pull ups could be done with the help of a horizontal bar, or even a door which is strong enough to support the body weight. Supine pull ups are performed by lying under a low bar. The bar should be grabbed with an overhand grip that is wide. The pull should be performed in the same manner as described above, except that the position is changed. Supine biceps pull ups are performed by sitting under a low bar.

Hand and Wrist Strengthening Exercise
The Chinese hand balls and exercise rings could be effectively used to strengthen the hands, fingers, wrists, and forearms and to improve the coordination between them.

Chinese Hand Balls: The exercise using Chinese hand balls is performed by holding these balls in the hand while keeping it parallel to the ground. Initially 2 balls are used and the number could be increased to 4 or 6 with enough practice. While performing the exercise, fingers are used in rotating the ball around the palm. The balls should be moved in such a manner that they don't bang against each other, but are in constant touch. The exercise helps in stretching and toning the muscles present in the hands & arms and also stimulates the energy meridians.