It is not always possible to visit a gym to workout due to the limitations or constraints like time shortage, unavailability of space, and in some cases money. Moreover, one may not go the gym on a regular basis. The good arm exercises without weights mentioned below would help strengthening, as well as shaping, the muscles of the arms. Some of the movements involved in the body weight exercises are pull, push, step, and squat. Among these four exercises, the push and pull are for the arms.
Push Up: Push ups are easy to do and one can make them more challenging by taking a pause while at the bottom position, or by raising the legs and placing them on to a bench or box. Along with the triceps, push up exercises target the chest and shoulder muscles. Read more on bicep and tricep exercises.
Pull Up: Pull ups are performed by lifting the body upwards by means of the arms. Pull ups could be done with the help of a horizontal bar, or even a door which is strong enough to support the body weight. Supine pull ups are performed by lying under a low bar. The bar should be grabbed with an overhand grip that is wide. The pull should be performed in the same manner as described above, except that the position is changed. Supine biceps pull ups are performed by sitting under a low bar.
Hand and Wrist Strengthening Exercise
The Chinese hand balls and exercise rings could be effectively used to strengthen the hands, fingers, wrists, and forearms and to improve the coordination between them.
Chinese Hand Balls: The exercise using Chinese hand balls is performed by holding these balls in the hand while keeping it parallel to the ground. Initially 2 balls are used and the number could be increased to 4 or 6 with enough practice. While performing the exercise, fingers are used in rotating the ball around the palm. The balls should be moved in such a manner that they don't bang against each other, but are in constant touch. The exercise helps in stretching and toning the muscles present in the hands & arms and also stimulates the energy meridians.
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